Special List 372: Knights & Military Orders 27 items on knights and military orders, with full-color illustrations
Bookseller Catalogs
Special List 372: Knights & Military Orders 27 items on knights and military orders, with full-color illustrations
245: The Lion’s Share of Books Rendered & Procured: Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences
By Jeff Weber Rare Books245: The Lion’s Share of Books Rendered & Procured: Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences 63 books: A Bookseller's Cabinet: An Assemblage of Rags to Riches Books in the Sciences, Selected from the Libraries of MICHAEL J. CROWE, PH.D., Cavanaugh Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame -- Charles Darwin & Code breaking, from the library of DR. WILLIAM ROSS CABEEN, JR. -- DR. ANDRAS GEDEON, DSC, SWEDEN – Oceanographer FRANK EDWIN SNODGRASS (1920-1985) -- Engineering, Mathematics & History of Science DR. EVERETT THOMAS WELMERS (1912-2003). AUTHORS: Nora BARLOW -- Bell Telephone Laboratories -- David BLACKWELL -- Nathaniel Ingersoll BOWDITCH -- Nathaniel BOWDITCH -- Tycho BRAHE -- Florian CAJORI -- da Novara CAMPANO -- Captain Philip CARTERET -- Nigel CAWTHORNE -- Lenora CHU -- Ralph COLP, Jr. -- Nicolaus COPERNICUS -- Gordon CORERA -- Jean le Rond d'ALEMBERT -- Charles DARWIN -- Benjamin DISRAELI -- H.P. DOUGLAS -- Stillman DRAKE -- Melvin DRESHER -- Sir Arthur Stanley EDDINGTON -- Ralph ERSKINE -- David Stanley EVANS -- Alexander Charles EWALD -- M. D. FAGAN -- Eric G. FORBES -- Charles FOX -- Sir John FRANKLIN -- R. B. FREEMAN -- Edwin Brant FROST -- GALILEO -- Meyer Abraham GIRSHICK -- Sydney Henry GOULD -- Francis HAUKSBEE -- Sandra HERBERT -- Andrew HODGES -- Hordern House (booksellers) -- Derek HOWSE -- Elisha Kent KANE -- Rudolph KIPPENHAHN -- Nicolas Louis de La Caille LACAILLE -- James M. LATTIS -- Georg Christoph LICHTENBERG -- David LIVINGSTONE -- Oliver J. LODGE -- Nevil MASKELYN -- Julius Robert von MAYER -- Tobias MAYER -- Jules MICHELET -- Samuel Alfred MITCHELL -- Robert P. MULTHAUF -- John G. MURDOCH -- Sir Isaac NEWTON -- l'Abbe Louis-Antoine NICOLLE DE LA CROIX -- Peter NICHOLS -- Emily Clemens PEARSON -- Arthur Stuart PENNINGTON -- Royal Astronomical Society-- Ernst Ludwig SCHUBARTH -- Samuel Mosheim SCHMUCKER -- Hugh SEBAG-MONTEFIORE -- Michael SMITH -- David STANSBURY -- John Lort STOKES -- Nikola TESLA -- Victor E. THOREN -- Arnold THACKRAY -- Alan TURING -- Robert S. WESTMAN -- Jacob J. WEYRAUCH -- John H. WINSLOW
How to request a print version: Requests to: weberbks@pacbell.net
E-list #21: New Arrivals 27 newly catalogued items include titles on freemasonry, socialism and civil war.
LIST 325: VIRGINIA 115 items, topics include African-Americana, biographies of Virginians, Thomas Jefferson among them, the colonial era, the Revolution, towns and cities, law, literature, religion, medicine, education, and the universities
How to request a print version: We do have print copies, available by request to us by email (respessbooks@cstone.net) or telephone (413-727-3435).
LIST 323: AFRICAN-AMERICANA, CIVIL WAR, THE SOUTH 57 items, an assortment of formats, prints among them, on the Southern States — topical examples are abolition, agriculture, banking, horses, law, music, presidents, racism
How to request a print version: We do have print copies, available by request to us by email (respessbooks@cstone.net) or telephone (413-727-3435).
How to request a print version: Catalogue 174 is not in print form but can be downloaded onto your computer as a PDF document..